Names are important. We all have one. We all have an identity that begins with our name. We give our pet names. We give our cars names (mine is Clara... my car is Tardis blue). Some people name their golf clubs, their cricket bats. In fact, you name it, people name it.
So why is it so hard to come up with one?
Chetwynd Aston is, the more I hear it, not resonating with me. It's too, what's the word, clunky. It ties down the layout to a location. I'm not sure I want that. There is a trend developing in the model railway world to not use 'locations' as names; 'Terminus, All Change!' and 'The Sidings' being two examples. Do I want to go down that route? Do I use a location name, but make one up. Possibly, but I always feel that my 'names' sound exactly like what they are... made up.
I'll have a think about it I think.
Incidentally, speaking of names, the Wabtec shunter has lost it's identity ahead of receiving some new plates. It's going to be called 'Alexandra' courtesy of the good people at Narrow Planet. I've posed the loco on the layout (currently 'un-named' of course!) which has recently seen the track and ballast get a good weathering. It's amazing how that starts to pull things together. The fencing is posed and, again, starts to pull things together. In fact, I'm pretty pleased with how things look.
Now, about that name...